Thursday, December 30, 2010

A self help book that err..helps!

There is one thing about self help books you should know. If you find that you have been reading several, over a fairly decent number of years then you might have a case of short help syndrome wherein you keep saying you want to fix what you need to but never actually get around to doing it.

However the good news (coming from a person who has been there and er not done that for years) is that short help syndrome can be cured. Try "The Success Principles."

Yeah I know the title is feeble. You almost wish the author had not caricartured the whole industry by choosing a name like that. Infact I almost didn't pick up the book because of the title but then I am compulsive about wanting to improve and so....

As I casually browsed through (and I always casually browse through a book before I pick it up nowadays lest I buy and never open it post that one time when I decide it's useless) I got a feeling that what he is writing makes sense.

The "he" by the way is Jack Canfield. There is a co-author as well but I'm not sure what her role is as it seems to be entirely written in a male first person. I almost imagined a grandfatherly figure reading it out to me as a bed time activity. Yes Jack Canfield isn't quite Donald Trump but just as compelling.

If you read self-help books, Jack Canfied may ring a bell. Infact it's quite likely he may ring several bells in your head and some of them could be warning bells. He is the same guy who wrote 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' and there were so many in the series it covered practically half the developed world from teen moms to prom queens (ok I made that up but I'm sure the stories are somewhere there). The point is I wasn't quite a fan of the series so if you aren't one that.

The Success Principles is a different dip altogether. In fact I am not ashamed to admit this is the only self-help book I have re-read 2 times and plan to read yet again just to remind myself of things that need to be done.

As you leaft through the chapters you start with owning up responsiblity for your life, put your dreams together and get on an action path to achieve them one step at a time. On the way you can test out the little gems of advice and something is surely going to validate itself and have you saying "Wow, He's Right!!"

Taste "The Success Principles", it's a habit forming thing!

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