Sunday, August 26, 2007

Musings on an extended weekend

Tuesday is Rakhi - the Indian festival of expression of love between brothers and sisters. I have decided to skip all celebrations (helps that my brothers are out of the country), take the Monday off and have a nice extended weekend doing absolutely li'l things.

I'm consciously trying not to call up anyone and do only the minimal requisite follow-up for office. I have a couple of appointments that are unavoidable but other than that this break is just about taking time out for me. And it's been a pleasure so far, considering I'm only a day and a half down as of now.

Even within this short span of time I notice a few strange developments already. The fact that I'm not talking or chatting to the usual suspects means that I have more free time on my hands to think. This is an obvious outcome but you can never be prepared for the sheer volume of time just limiting your talk time seems to make in your life. Imagine if I actually switched my mobile off.

Thoughts about organizing my closets, reading up some of the books I bought a couple of weeks back and even thinking what I want to do with my life leap out of the shadows.

I wonder what my regular days have come to -- a routine that revolves around maid minding, office grinding, compulsory (read grocery) shopping, chatting, browsing and (weekend) partying. Among all the "ings" are a lot of things that keep me busy but the positive zing is missing.

Perhaps I'm missing a boyfriend or a recent whirl of success or the high of major change. The kind of days you have to pinch yourself to believe you're living. The days I know from experience and which have only raised the bar for the rest of my life.

Well, I'm no Yelena Isinbayeva but I must try and improve my life till the point I can experience the contentment of an existence I'm largely satisfied. And while one would usually call on God at such moments I decide to excuse him for not focusing on me this weekend with all the poverty, war and (excuse me for saying this) celebrity jailbirds of this world.

I decide to improve my life myself @ one magic moment a day! Starting with a Mango feast for today. Considering we're in end-August the fact that I still have mangoes in the fridge is decidedly a pinch-worthy experience.

Overall the weekend promises to be quite fruitful (don't squirm - the pun was intended)

Impressed and annoyed - all in a week's time!

It's been a week since I declared my good intentions to start blogging and a nice guy called Ravan (no pun intended) actually honoured me with a comment which proves this publication has a readership figure of more than one.

I haven't blogged in since then but it seems no ones missed me much.

And life has been busy. Some really interesting experiences like meeting an uncle who's decidely psychic (not pyscho) and left me totally speechless by recalling the gist of a conversation I was having the previous night! I just love these kind of things. I mean who cares about seeing little green men in their SUVs when you have family friends who can look at your palm or do a bit of mathemagic in their head and tell you that you're going to make a profit on your next car deal.

Give me supernatural stuff any day. Or scientific gaspaggorbilia (stuff that arouses gasps - you heard it first from your suburban pal!).

Like the dude who's come up with this theory that there's a 20% chance we are living in a computer simulation (he's called Nick Bostrom and he teaches at the Oxford University lest you start thinking he's a product of my imagination). I mean I actually used to wonder if I was part of a "UNIVERSE" game long before I ever saw Matrix but always thought that was my private bathroom theory. To think that someone actually built on it and even gave it a % figure. Awesome!

So the God watching all of us could just be a nose digging teenager feasting on his bar of Mars when he's not glued to the screen in front. Suddenly my respect for certain sections of society has shot up.

I just hope it's not the same guy living upstairs who my cable guy claims wants to steal my bandwidth by accessing my Wi Fi network. You wouldn't think but it's ostensbly the biggest threat in my life right now -- the enemy within (my otherwise secure apartment block)! I mean why in the name of VSNL would someone want to steal anybody's bandwidth when Internet costs the pittance that it does nowadays is beyond my imagination. But I guess it's the same people who think nothing of downloading a 3 GB oldish hindi movie on their office line when the damn thing is now available for 49 bucks in the neighborhood store.

We're not in the nineties anymore when people had to call multiple contacts to fine one measly password they could use to dial-up over a sorry li'l connection that would break every five minutes. And that kind of thing was acceptable even because Internet access cost a bomb and was monopolised by the govt. But breaking into someone's home wi-fi network in 2007. Dude get a reality check. Or is it that once a freeloader always a freeloader!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Starting up!

After much pondering I am finally at it - blogging what else! Yes, it does feel a bit funny sharing your life with a zillion others (like going topless on a beach for the first time) but I have the time and the inclination so what the hell. Of course, what I don't have is much of an idea about how this works, and if there are actually some people out there who read these things written by total strangers and (holy smoke) even care enough to send back their comments which are not swear words but perfectly legible phrases just like you and I speak.

Well you can log in to my blog and I will keep you posted on what really happens online.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Independent Leadership

Actually I meant to set this Blog thingie on the 15th of August. I even wrote the post below but as luck would have it my cable connection had a glitch and well the nice person I am I didn't want to bother my friendly neighbourhood service provider on a National Holiday (although the National Holiday never stopped me from hoping my maid would turn up which she thankfully did). Since I wrote the blog on the 15th it's going to be posted for the 15th. So here it is....

Today is 15th August. Which means the Independence Day spiel is all over the networks. I’ve seen at least 6 publications that are carrying the cover story of India at 60. And this was till yesterday.

Today’s Times of India newspaper, one of the leading Indian English dailies has come up with an interesting campaign. A print version of Indian Idol, only this time the search is for a national leader. Has some historic cool to it I must say. I have no clue what the selection criteria is but the application form does ask for prior leadership experience though bars people who’ve held a govt office. Thinking of giving it a shot. I love giving speeches and getting importance. I can debate about India's nuclear power status intelligently. And I was class monitor for two years in succession at school. Wonder if that would qualify.

Although one has to be careful when making assumptions I suspect they are looking for people with Social Work experience. The committed NGO types.

Personally I would love to see someone like me make it. The kind of person who's really bothered about how things are messed up in the country but wouldn’t actually do anything to set even a minor roadblock right. Till leadership is kind of thrust upon himer (short for him/her for I'm so fed up of this gender correctness stuff).

It's not that I haven't done anything for society. I did pitch in for one of our company's charitable project. Even contributed in a big way to its success which felt good. But it was part of my job I guess.

What I do for our great democracy is vote but even here in my first two elections participation was restricted to destroying the ballot paper and scribbling “The choices aren’t good enough”. My own little personal protest. So charmingly futile.

So why would I like to see someone like me being the chosen? The answer is simple. Mix good intentions and total conviction on a base of absolute inexperience. I think it would make for some excellent entertainment!