Sunday, September 9, 2007

The best tea in the world that doesn't cost a bomb!

Thanks to modern dispensing machines, most corporate offices do a shitty job of tea even as the coffee is great. If you like drinking tea, home is the best place to indulge but here too conditions vary and the outcome is well not always as great as it could be.

When I started living on my own, making tea seemed such a time consuming task that I thought I'd give up my long time favorite beverage for life.

To make things simpler, I tried a popular brand of tea bags named after the monument that is now a new wonder of the world but to no avail. It was barely drinkable, and to my solitary self not worth even the little effort putting it together entailed.

So my tea less days started, till I figured how to make the perfect cup that cheers, that too in a rather simple way. Here's the recipe for you:

Step 1. Start with the best tea in the world. Now "best" is of course a relative term but so far my favorite from experience is a brand called simply Lopchu (why did they name it Lopchu? I have no clue!). It's not exactly a mainstream brand even in India where tea lovers abound. But it is widely available nevertheless.

(Just in case you're wondering - Lopchu is not one of those luxury teas that come in a wooden box that you pay a bomb for and then are completely let down by - you know the stuff you can't even add milk to coz it's so light!)

I use the Lopchu blue box which is INR 100 (approx 2.25 USD) for 250 grams.

Step 2. Boil a cuppa water on a gas stove. Add a tablespoon of Lopchu. You can add ginger or cardamom too at this stage if you like. Switch off the gas, cover the utensil with a lid and let it stand for about 4-5 minutes.

Step 3. Heat 1/8th glass of milk in a microwave (should be done in 45 seconds or less).

Step 4. Pour the tea in a cup, followed by milk (the less the better).

Step5. Add sugar to taste and enjoy a sip of heaven!

1 comment:

schwa said...

Tea is a lost art in most businesses. There really isn't a better work beverage than tea. Calms you, brings you up and makes the day slip by.