Sunday, February 28, 2010

An idea worth spreading

After nearly 2 years in hiatus - seriously time does fly!! - I am back on my blog. Would have been back sooner but it didn't seem like someone would miss hearing from me. Much has happened since then but then again a lot is still the same. So let me not waste your time on the trivial pursuit which my life has been. Instead I'd like to share with you something that's worth sharing. : Visit it, browse through, play the videos and be inspired.

Here are a few I liked:
Steve Jobs on How to Live Before you die (Of course we have all read the article. Now hear it live from the horse's mouth)

Sean Carroll on the arrow of time (one of my favorite topics never mind that I hadn't heard of Mr Carroll before)

David Blaine on how he held his breath for 17 minutes (just to answer the question for yourself - is it possible?)

The only downside to this is the slow bandwidth in India. It takes forever to load and play anything. What I for do for You Tube feeds is just have the video download in the background in mute and once its done glide the play button to rewind to start. The trick is not to reload - just glide down the button back. Works pretty ok. Try it and help others do the same. Like TED it's an idea worth spreading :)

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